? ??????????????Phone Booth? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (35 Ratings)??3056 Grabs Today. 40136 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????????Soul Blossoming? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (13 Ratings)??2649 Grabs Today. 38433 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Animal Farm", by George Orwell---what do you think of it?

Did you read this in high school? In junior high school? I didn't read it as a student, but have read it since becoming a teacher. I don't consider myself very political, nor am I an expert on history. Therefore, the book didn't really appeal to me at first. However, as I have started researching the Russian Revolution along with my students, I can see that it is objectively a brilliant book. What do you think of it?


Sister Tara Bowen said...

I don't remember Animal Farm--probably skimmed it for an "A" back in the day. I like your "Once Upon a Time" entry, and I'll give my opinion and you'll still love me, right? I don't make goals that I can't accomplish by myself. I can SUBMIT a lot of stuff, but I don't set a goal to be published because that's someone else's choice to publish me or not. And getting an agent is like that too--people either decide to help you or not. Maybe you could commit to finish your work and send it to ten publshers or something. You do what you want, obviously, but I just know that if I set goals based on other peoples' choices, I'll end up feeling like I'm not a "writer" if I'm not published. Congratulations on generating interest in your book and being diligent about making corrections. It's a special project and I'd love to be helpful if you think there's something I can do. I wish we knew some really eager agents:).